Information for Parents
Important Notices

Please do not park in any reserved parking stalls or anywhere along the south side of the building. If the parking lot is full there is additional parking available to the East of the yellow building on the lower parade deck on the east side of the property.
Stopping at the guard shack or in front of the ANNEX Building is NOT PERMITTED at anytime!
Parents are reminded that they are to pull into the parking lot when dropping off or picking up cadets. This requirement comes directly from the Commanding Officer and is in place to ensure the safety of the cadets at all times.
Uniformed RCSCC UNDAUNTED officers are members of the Canadian Armed Forces. They should be addressed by their rank and last name. See Our Officers for a complete list. If in doubt, “Sir” or “Ma’am” is a safe bet.
Communication is provided by a Weekly Update sent through email. Each cadet and parent is required to subscribe to receive the weekly messages. Go to the 'Ships Company' tab and select Weekly Update to subscribe. If you have trouble or do not receive the updates, check your spam or junk folder. If additional assistance is required, see the staff at the Admin desk.
Volunteerism & Fund Raising
All parents / guardians are expected to be involved in supporting the operation of our Navy League Branch, volunteer requirements and/or fund raising activies. 'Many hands make light work'. All of the activites we do outside of Tuesday nights is funded through the efforts of the Navy League - Calgary Branch. IE: parent volunteer efforts.For info regarding volunteer opportunities email -
For info regarding fund raising opportunities email -