

Please support #22 RCSCC UNDAUNTED's fundraising activities - these are what make cadet events and trips possible.


A substantial amount of the funding for cadet activities is raised through volunteering at bingos. We volunteer at the Bingo Hall at:

Grey Eagle Casino
Location Map

The Grey Eagle bingo facility is a new hall with state-of-the-art air circulation.

Volunteers are urgently needed - please contact our bingo coordinator Lera Shirley to sign up for these or other bingos.

Parents/Guardians are encouraged to volunteer for bingos and casinos throughout the year. Most of our cadet training is provided to them at little or not cost to the families, but to do that, we need the fund raising proceeds to cover the costs. Bingos and Casinos are a great way to meet other cadet parents.

Further information on bingos is provided on our bingo schedule page.

Other Fundraising

We also raise funds through other activities. Because bingos are not as frequent or profitable as in previous years, we will be holding several fundraising events throughout the year. You can help meet your bingo volunteer commitment by helping out with and supporting these events. Watch for upcoming information on this page and in the Anchor Watch.

General Information

Regular training takes place every Tuesday evening from 18:15 hrs to 21:15 hrs.

Registration for 2022-2023 will commence in September and continues every Tuesday night throughout the training year.

See How to Join page for details.

You can help support our troops overseas by purchasing "Support Our Troops" magnets and ribbons. Items are available from Calgary Branch representatives of the Navy League of Canada in the Ship's Office ("old" naval museum) at HMCS TECUMSEH on training nights - Tuesdays (#22 RCSCC UNDAUNTED) and Thursdays (NLCC #21 Captain Jackson).